Terms and Conditions


All balls & equipment are sanitised before each session and session plans ensure social distancing and equipment considerations, allowing all participants and coaches to be as safe as possible. Hand sanitiser is freely available to all participants throughout the session.


By booking, consent is given for players to receive emergency medical treatment as needed.

Refunds & Cancellations

We allow for one rain-week within the term without refund. If there is a second cancellation the session will run on the week after the end of term, or we will consider running a 2 hour session should there be more than 1 week impacted by poor weather.

Health & Safety

A full risk assessment will be carried out before any activity starts at a new venue.


Photographs may be taken during and used for promotional material. If a participant does not give consent for an image to be published this needs to be stated in writing before the session starts.

Insurance & Liability

Clapham NC has public liability insurance and cannot be held responsible for any act, omission or loss or damage unless proven to be caused by Clapham NC negligence. Clapham NC does not accept responsibility for events outside our direct control.

Personal Property

There are no storage facilities at any of our sites, do not bring valuables to our sessions. Clapham NC accepts no liability for loss, damage, vandalism or theft of personal property.

Child Protection & Safeguarding

Chris Graham is the Designated Safeguarding Lead, and Clapham NC operates a zero tolerance policy to discrimination or bullying of any kind.  Children must be collected by an adult at the end of a session. If a child is authorised to walk home alone after a session, this must be confirmed in writing. 

Data Protection

Clapham NC will use your details to inform you of future events, please inform us if you do not want to receive this information. We do not store payment details or share customer details with others.

Version 1.1/July 2021