Participants Code of Conduct


All balls & equipment are sanitised before each session and session plans ensure social distancing and equipment considerations, allowing all participants and coaches to be as safe as possible. Hand sanitiser is freely available to all participants throughout the session.

All Participants are expected to:  

  • Be friendly and approachable to others, work with different people and try to build new friendships. 
  • Be supportive and committed to other team members, offer comfort when required. 
  • Report inappropriate or dangerous behaviour.
  • Play fairly and be trustworthy. 
  • Show appropriate sportsmanship and be gracious in defeat. 
  • Respect opponents. 
  • Do not cheat, be violent or aggressive.
  • Keep within the defined boundary of the playing/coaching area. 
  • Behave and listen to all instructions from the coach. Play within the rules and respect the official and their decisions. 
  • Show respect to other participants/leaders and show team spirit. 
  • Take care of equipment owned by the organisation. 
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of age, ability, race, cultural background, religious beliefs or sexual identity. 
  • Refrain from the use of bad language or racial references. This includes bullying using new technologies like social media.
  • Do not get involved in inappropriate peer pressure and push others into something they do not want to do. 
  • Refrain from bullying or persistent use of rough and dangerous play. 
  • Keep to agreed timings for training or inform the coach if you are going to be late. 
  • Wear suitable kit for training, as agreed with the coach/team manager. 

Version 1.0/July 2020