Frequently asked questions

Chris founded the club when she realised local schools weren’t teaching netball on their curriculum, so the majority of our members are in school years 2-10.

Training groups are mixed for the warm up and cool down, but our skills, drills and match play are designed to be delivered to groups of similar school age and ability.

Chris has spent the last 6 years coaching children who are completely new to the game, and takes enormous pride in seeing the development of new netballers over a term.  We know, that like most children’s activities in the area, there are long waiting lists at netball clubs, so if you want your netballer to learn, come and join Clapham Netball Club.

We limit the number of netballers to 16-20 on each court / training space, so we can take just over 100 netballers in each session across Glenbrook and Harris Academy, divided across the 6 training areas.  

Some of our Coaches still play netball themselves, so we need to allow them time to travel to their fixtures.  In reality, as a mother, Chris knows that youngsters are often up early, so why not put that hour to use, leave your netballer with us, and parents can go for a run (or a coffee) whilst they enjoy our netball sessions.

You will need to drop your netballer at the front entrance to reduce Covid transmission for the time being, as Harris Academy have other providers on site with U18’s and have asked us not to allow spectators on site.

The important thing is that your netballer is warm and comfortable.  We have a Club T Shirt that each member will be supplied with at their first session.  This is the one piece of mandatory kit.  

Further T Shirts & Club Hoodies can be purchased from this link.  Sports tracksuits/leggings, good quality trainers (with grip) and layers (when cold) should be worn.

Hair should be pulled off the face, shoelaces tied up, no jewellery/watches/fit bits.

In the Winter Term, we recommend gloves to keep our netballer’s fingers warm.  There is no such thing as a ‘netball glove’ as England Netball do not allow them to be worn at senior level, but hockey gloves are a good alternative.

We are lucky to have secured a Sports Hall at Harris Academy, so on the occasional rain day, we will train indoors or in the covered area outside, negating the need to cancel on a Saturday morning!

You are welcome to bring your netballer to their first session and pay for that as a 1 off.  We are confident they will enjoy themselves, and want to sign up for the rest of the term’s sessions.  Simply book at the weekly training page with a note that you would like to sign up for just 1 session to start, pay for that, and we will see you on court.

Netball is a brilliant game for all young sports players.  It teaches control, accuracy, movement, vision and whilst there are many sports that do so, netball is unique in that you have to use your team to move towards the goal, as you are not allowed to run with the ball.  We predominantly support female netballers, however Chris has successfully coached boys and girls together at local Junior Schools, which significantly improves their abilities.   In fact, we have 3 male coaches on our Coaching Team, who have graduated from playing netball at Honeywell School, all of whom were members of successful teams in their younger years, winning Gold & Silver in the Wandsworth Schools Netball League and annual Wandsworth Borough Tournament.

Saturday Dates for 2025

26th April

10th & 17th May

7th, 14th, 21st, 28th Jun

5th July